Referring to the ARIS Distributed Installation Cookbook, I attempted to install Zookeeper (ZK) on two nodes after setting up the repository. However, upon committing the changes, I encountered the following error:

"Problem configuring Zookeeper instance 'zoo0' at <node_ip>:14285:14290 with clientPort 14281, myid 1, on node n1 (<node_ip>/<node_ip>:14000): The repository on node n1 does not contain the required artifact com.aris.runnables.zookeeper-run-prod- and plugincom.aris.runnables.zookeeper-plugin-"

by Mazen Hasan Author
Posted on Mon, 11/11/2024 - 07:22

I renamed both files in the folder "com\aris\runnables\zookeeper-run-prod\" by adding “-runnable” at the end as below screenshot, and it worked fine.



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