Any one know about the symbol in the screen design.

like for example if i want to add "label" there is no symbol for that, and likewise the "attachment" should it be button or text box.

Are there any rule of using the symbol and are there any video or ppt to refer to it.


by M. Zschuckelt
Posted on Wed, 07/20/2022 - 14:28

Hello Mazin,

for "label" use "Text" symbol. I suppose by "attachment" you mean a file upload component consisting of a file path and an Upload button? I suggest to use a Textbox and and a button for that.

The basic idea is to sketch the UI components in the centre and connect them to data elements (ERM Attribute) in the left column (for elements with data input or output) and to functionality (services/functions) in the right column (for elements that trigger functionality).

by Veronika Ellermann
Badge for 'Supporter' achievement
Posted on Mon, 07/25/2022 - 08:40

Hi Mazin Warsi,

I am not sure that I understand your question right:

You e.g. want to show that the Link 1 attribute of you input/output symbol has a URL. For that purpose you want to display a paper clip clip symobl that automatically appears when a URL was entered. 

Were you looking for something like that?




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