What is the modelling definition of a system and application when usingng them as inputs on a FAT EPC?
1 Reply
Hello Mark Klein,
I'm not sure, what you mean by FAT EPC? Is it Function allocation diagram or EPC?
The answer is - as often - it depends: Your organization should have defined how and when to use these objects in an EPC or FAD. Utilization of these connections varies from customer to customer.
It may be as simple as "This function is supported by SAP ECC (TM)". Or your organization might represent single IT services as Application System Types, so an individual Web Service might be modelled as such an application service type.
The latter example would be useful, if you followed a detailed EA strategy with your ARIS modelling effort.
So the message is: First define, why you want to model in ARIS. Second, derive what you need to model. Third, map your need to the semantics offered by ARIS. This will give you the answer, what the semantics of specific symbols, object types and connections will be in your case and if you need them at all.
If you need assistance in defining your modelling strategy and metamodel, you might contact a Software AG affiliate consultancy in your geography who will be happy to offer you an affordable consulting package to get your strategy defined and implemented in production. (Hope this advertising message is acceptable in this group. Anyhow: Now you know the last sentence definitely is advertising.)
M. Zschuckelt