I'm using APG now for a while and I really like it. But there are some issues which should be solved.
One of them would be the following:
We need to be able to send out mails in different languages (e.g. slovenian, serbian, etc...) but it is not possible in APG without doing a manual workaround.
I did it like this:
In the first step, I check whether the APG pattern has been started in english or one of the local languages.
In the second step I had to made for every language a own mail. Than I put an x-rule before all those mails and check in which one of them the process has to proceed.
Why is it not possible, that I put the text (and also the subject) of the mail into the attribute of this language and APG is recognizing by itself which of the attributes (languages) it has to put into the mail??
I'm writing this, because maybe this can be put into the next release. I think this would be a nice feature.
Except of that it would also be nice, if the Process Board (or APG) would send a mail in case of delegating a task. Because the person to which the task has been delegated does not know that he/she has a new task unless he/she is looking into Process Board. This is also not good.
I hope someone is reading this and takes this into consideration for a next release of APG. :)
Nice regards,