When I modify a system with IT Inventory, how can I synchronize IT Architect with this changes?


by Jens Heylmann
Posted on Tue, 08/14/2012 - 11:28

Dear Mauel,


all data which is maintained in IT Inventory has to be imported back to the ARIS database. For this job a report script “Import changes (IT Inventory)” (located in the IT Architecture report category) is responsible. The report script loads all changes from IT Inventory in a XML structure by calling a service of the IT Inventory, apply couples of importing rules to import and change the data of the selected ARIS database.


The script needs a setup in a configuration file "configuration.js":





Change the following settings:

  • database
  • url
  • export


Change the “database” entry to the name of the database where the IT Inventory changes should be imported.

Change the “url” entry to the URL where the ARIS Business Publisher is available.

Change the “export” entry to the name of the Business Publisher web export you have chosen. 





by Manuel Iglesias Author
Posted on Tue, 08/14/2012 - 11:43


I will try it

by Christophe Keppens
Posted on Mon, 10/13/2014 - 12:23

How is this done in Aris 9.6?

The configuration.js file is there, but the Import changes (IT Inventory) is not available anymore.


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