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Hi folks,

Using for years Aris products I still found complex the way functionalities and licence are working. First, there is the platform with all the different products but the second layer, the licence, add an extra layer of restrictions/possibilities depending on options.

I lost time with licences that didn't authorize particular options that I asked for (trial licence given by SAG btw...) and I was wondering if their was some way or information that present or explain the different possibilities and options that a licence can enable or maybe a way to understand option embeded in a particular licence.


by Frank Weyand
Posted on Wed, 11/02/2011 - 17:23


we discuss to make it easier in future. Instead of having multiple products, it could be possible to get rid of all different architects/designers but to have just one tool. This tool could select you, based on your license, which functionalities you want to see or not...




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