Hello ARIS experts,
Can you please help us, we need to do some solution to keep synchronized ARIS organizational objects ( position, org chart ) with organizational data in HR application (database).
For example:
Initial situation: ARIS organizational objects (position) and data(object) in HR application are identical (all attributes are same).
New situation: We change something on data(object) in HR application (for example position name). So question is how to automatically refer this change to ARIS database.?
Any suggestion how to do it ( macro,report,web service,....) ?
Best regards,
We always use data exchange through the ARIS scripts + Excel (rather XML). It is even possible to modify models (for example to add new position based on HR system data), but this approach works well for 2+ level models, for high level model this script could be too complex (and expansive). All question is how to export data from HR system
Regards, Alex
Hi Mijo, there is a product called ARIS DataLink (formerly known as ARIS HR Link - an official SoftwareAG product) which can help you to solve your needs. DataLink now becomes a unique integration platform connecting ARIS to various data sources and keep them synchronized. I´m in charge of the product worldwide so you or anyone else can get back to me with any questions. Find my contact details at http://idsa.cz/people and further product´s information at www.datalink.info. I´m looking forward to your questions.