Profile picture for user Milan Slivka


I am wondering if it will be possible to define mask for datasource files.

I would like to make mashup wich reads data from arisaccountlog.xml file.

Problem is that every time when you restart your server the will be new file and old one with date at the end.

I would like to define mask for file name and data feed would read data from all files.

For example if you have some scheduled report running every day and creates a new file you have to merge all files to use them as datasource.

The other problem is that you are not able to load xml file if there is <!DOCTYPE element. even if dtd schema is in the same folder :(

Thank you.



by Stephan Freudl
Posted on Thu, 04/15/2010 - 17:59


since MashZone 1.0.1 you can read from file names whose name is computed at run time. This way you can select the file to read from based on the current date for example.

Please note: You can not read from more than one file at once. To create the union of different files you need to configure different data sources within the data feed editor and use the concatenate feed operator.

But: Why do you have different files? Since all of them contain the same kind of data consider to write in one file only. Once the file has been updated - more lines have been added - MashZone will update itself. Your feed calculations and your MashApps reflect the changes. Since MashZone 1.0.1 even in real time!




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