Hi Experts, 

I want to create simple WF that would run report (on demand/scheduled), save the result as xls,txt,doc,... and would send email with the file as an attachment.

I had this solution working on ARIS 7 but in ARIS 9 I cannot find a way to get the document from ARIS Document Storage and attach to email.

Service "Create – Report" provides only Link attribute of generated document as "Output path". That does not help because build in functionality in ARIS 9.8 allows you to access document only by "Get document by path" and service "Download document" or service "Download document by id" require parameters that I do not have. As well even though I specify Path and Output file in Create - Report service document is generated and stored only in ADS and not in the specified path on the server.

Thanks for any advice/solution.


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