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Please can you help me with this calculation in Data Feed.

I have simple excel table like this:


    Date         A          B          C

1.1.2011       1

2.1.2011     0,5        0,5

2.2.2011                    1

3.2.2011                               1

4.2.2011      1

1.3.2011                    0,5      0,5


Now i would like to have this calculation, Sum of A in  2011 year, and Sum of A in january,fabruary,... Also this calculation for B and C, and also in percent. Can I do it in feed or mashup, or I must do it in excell table?

Best regards,


by Stephan Freudl
Posted on Wed, 06/29/2011 - 09:57


that could be easily accomplished using MashZone. There is no necessity to add things to the source file.

Getting the percentages depends on their representation in Excel. If the cells are formatted accordingly in Excel already MashZone receives a numeric value between 0 and 1. If you want to visualize such values as, e.g. 25%, multiply by 100. In further cases the goal accomplishment feed operator might become handy.

The sum by year or quarter could be accomplished by using a data feed operator. To have monthly sums change the precision of the date column to monthly.

Next assign the feed to widget, e.g. a bar chart. The aggregation happens implicitly by configuring the column axis assignment.

Please note, the axis configuration: Each date is formatted to show month and year only. And for each numerical axis sum instead of avg has been selected.

To do it on a yearly-basis the change precision operator might output its result to a new column. That way the feed might be reused in a second chart with a slightly different data assignment.



by M. Kardum Author
Posted on Fri, 07/01/2011 - 09:42

Thank you Stehan


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