I have been trying to write a script to find the process-oriented superior of objects.

Initially I thought this would not be very difficult, though I am unable to find a good solution.

I am looping through all Object Occurrences, then I get a connection list for each object:

aCnxDefList = aObjOcc[j].ObjDef().CxnList(); // CxnDef[]

, then I loop through connections comparing names of the known top level superiors with all aCnxDefList[k].SourceObjDef().Name(nLocale). If I don;t get a match, then I call a recursive function:

nCurrentLevel = get_nesting_level(aCnxDefList[k].SourceObjDef(), 0);

I am using a recursive function, but I am unable to walk up to the superior for some reason.I would appreciate any suggestions. Here is the code for the function:

// Takes in Source Object Def

function get_nesting_level(my_ObjDef, myLevelCount) {

    aCxnDef = my_ObjDef.CxnList(Constants.EDGES_IN);

    myLevelCount++; // increment new nesting level


    // cycle through 'Connections IN' to find superior connection match for "CORE", "MANAGEMENT", "ENABLING"

    for (var i=0; i < aCxnDef.length; i++) {

        curSrc_ObjDef = aCxnDef[i].SourceObjDef();

        sObjName = aCxnDef[i].SourceObjDef().Name(nLocale);


            // All objects are children of the following 3 objects

            if((sObjName == 'X') ||

                (sObjName == 'Y') ||

                (sObjName == 'Z'))


                // we found the matching top level!!!

                return (myLevelCount);




                // we did not find the superior yet - recurse another level

                return get_nesting_level(curSrc_ObjDef, myLevelCount);




by Robert Goldenbaum
Badge for 'Question Solver' achievement
Posted on Tue, 02/14/2017 - 11:29

Hi Michael,

ahm, this will only give you upper level functions if you really have connections between the functions. Meaning if you have a large VACD with multiple levels of functions, this should work. But if you start it on a function in an EPC, you will never get the upper function, as those two functions are not connected in any way.

BR Robert


by Michael Renner Author
Posted on Tue, 02/14/2017 - 20:58

I am not sure I understand this response Robert.

I am using an EPC model with various objects that have relationships to other objects. If I select a "middle" object in the hierarchy I am thinking it is possible to find the ultimate superior object. Are you saying this is not possible even though ARIS will show relationships?



by Robert Goldenbaum
Badge for 'Question Solver' achievement
Posted on Wed, 02/15/2017 - 08:19

Hi Michael,

ah well, sure, this is possible !  

But do you want to say that you have an EPC where the start objects have the names you mentioned above ?  Or do you mean you want to go to the superior VACD ?

If you want to get the "start nodes" in an EPC, I would recommend starting from occurrence level, as you never know where the objects are used as well (and then you get a lot of strange things from definition level).

The routine below always gives you the next set of events / functions (and goes over multiple rules if needed). You should definitly add a map to check that you are not going in cycles...


var mObjChecked = new java.util.Hashtable();

mObjChecked.put(oStartObjOcc.ObjDef().GUID() + "_" + oStartObjOcc.X() + "_" + oStartObjOcc.Y(), "");

oObjOccList = GetConnectedStructItems(oStartObjOcc, new Array(), mObjChecked, Constants.EDGES_IN, Constants.OT_FUNC, null);

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


* Recursive function to get all connected structural items in a single direction


// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

function GetConnectedStructItems(oCurrentObjOcc, aoReturnOccList, mObjChecked, lDirection, lTypeNum, lSymbolNum){

    var oEdgeList = null;

    var oEdge = null;

    var oOtherObjOcc = null;

    var i = 0; 


    oEdgeList = oCurrentObjOcc.Cxns(lDirection, Constants.EDGES_STRUCTURE);

    for (i = 0 ; i < oEdgeList.length; i++){

        oEdge = oEdgeList[i];


        if (lDirection == Constants.EDGES_OUT){

            oOtherObjOcc = oEdge.TargetObjOcc();



            oOtherObjOcc = oEdge.SourceObjOcc();



        if (!mObjChecked.containsKey(oOtherObjOcc.ObjDef().GUID() + "_" + oOtherObjOcc.X() + "_" + oOtherObjOcc.Y())){

            mObjChecked.put(oOtherObjOcc.ObjDef().GUID() + "_" + oOtherObjOcc.X() + "_" + oOtherObjOcc.Y(), "");


            // check if the item has the correct type

            if (oOtherObjOcc.ObjDef().TypeNum() == lTypeNum){


                // check if the item has the correct symbol

                if (lSymbolNum == null || oOtherObjOcc.SymbolNum() == lSymbolNum){





                if (oOtherObjOcc.ObjDef().TypeNum() == Constants.OT_RULE){

                    GetConnectedStructItems(oOtherObjOcc, aoReturnOccList, mObjChecked, lDirection, lTypeNum, lSymbolNum);






    return aoReturnOccList;



by Michael Renner Author
Posted on Wed, 02/15/2017 - 15:34


"But do you want to say that you have an EPC where the start objects have the names you mentioned above ?  Or do you mean you want to go to the superior VACD ?"

I have my top level objects in a EPC diagram only so your complex approach seems like it should work. I must look further.

Thank you for the kind advice.



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