I have a Report in which I have an Array of UserGroups and I would like to get the Groups UserList, but I always get a NullPointerException when trying to do so.
Using Methods inherited from Item works, but all UserGroup methods end up in a NullpointerException...
Do you have any ideas what I might be doing wrong?
Kind regards, Bennet
Hello Bennett,
if you look up the usage of the methods oUserGroup.Userlist() or oDb.Userlist(oUserGroup) on your server you might be surprised to find none.
One reason for Userlist() not working in your context might be solved by my former post.
Developers of the SAG standard report for UMC "Output user groups with users and privileges" preferred Report class UMC - Method getAssignedUsersForUsergroup
Other examples to evaluate user groups were given here
Regards, Martin