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Hi everybody,

I keep getting messages about 404 Errors occuring when browsing published models in ARIS Connect.

We publish the latest version of our database on ARIS Connect and the rest is only to be seen by modelers and such.

In many models on ARIS Connect we notice that when hovering over objects in the models and that micro profile (is that  the correct english name?) for the object loads in we get forwarded to a 404 error site.

I thought that maybe some objects have been consolidated or moved, so I tried versioning one model to solve the issue, but it didnt work. Has anyone experienced something similar and if so, how did you fix the issue?

Kind regards,

Bennet Möller

by Runé Becker
Badge for 'Mastermind' achievement
Posted on Tue, 10/11/2022 - 08:38

When you hover over objects in a model we call those popups mini factsheets.

Has your system been configured to show some specific data on a mini factsheet?

And is your configuration set migrated to the latest ARIS version?

I would reload and validate the configuration via /#default/reloadConfig just to be sure that the configuration/modification set is error-free.


by Bennet Möller Author
Posted on Tue, 10/11/2022 - 08:55

In reply to by rbe

Hi Runé,

thank you for your reply!

Our mini factsheets just display name, description and assignments, which should be the ARIS standard as far as I know.

I havent changed our configuration set since taking over ARIS at my company, so it should be up to date with our ARIS SR17 Installation.

The configuration set returns a lot of warnings, but no errors. I get a "css_property" warning "Property value of 'ui.cop.home.background.img' has an empty value, was there another error before?" and a "factsheet" warning "Property 'processTime' in Factsheet 'chain' does not exist in item type 'chain'."

And then theres a lot of "transformation" warnings about missing localizations of properties...

Do you think any of these could be the reason we are getting the 404s?

Kind regards, Bennet

by Runé Becker
Badge for 'Mastermind' achievement
Posted on Thu, 12/15/2022 - 17:17

In reply to by MoellerBennet

If your configuration set has not been properly migrated after ARIS Server has been updated (e.g. from SR14/15 to SR16/17), you might notice that some newer features aren't available unless the active configuration set matches the current ARIS version. That counts particularly when a new feature comes as new tab, or with a new page, such as the new search.

You should verify whether those (page not found) 404 errors are caused by your configuration set. To do so, switch to a built-in configuration set of ARIS, e.g. "classic" or "default", and then check if the error messages still appear. If so, you'd better open a support ticket and let Global Support of Software AG check your log files and maybe other data.

Software AG's Professinal Services and our ARIS partner companies are happy to support you for migrating your ARIS content.


by Bennet Möller Author
Posted on Tue, 12/13/2022 - 16:34

Update: I created an support incident regarding this problem and we are fixing it right now.


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