If you experience issues concerning ARIS packages distributed by University Relations please notify them in this post. And if possible provide a solution, too ;)
We discovered an issue with our “ARIS Education Package - Process Design & Analysis” for students. When you try to open “ARIS Symbol Editor 7.2” you might receive the message that a dll-file (msvcp71.dll) is missing. Actually it is present but Windows seems to not recognize it. The easiest solutions is to copy it from “C:\Aris 7.2” to Windows “system32”-folder.
Today we released “ARIS Education Package - PD&A Students 1.2” which includes fixes of minor issues we discovered during the last week. You will find this version available as download from now on. If you already downloaded version 1.1 (first release) you don’t have to download the full virtual machine again. We also prepared a patch for you which puts your virtual machine directly to version 1.2 including all the fixes. This is also available in the download section by now. Just run the exe-file within your virtual machine and follow the steps from there on. Cheers Moritz
maybe you know when will ARIS Education Package: Process Intelligence and Performance Management be availlable.
It's great to be part of ARIS community effort. Having taught 'some basics' to actual modelers wish to leverage modeling of Biz process elsewhere. Any queries or a hand in efforts to colloborate in dissemenating ARIS at university level, if needed, would be appreciated. As a practising consultant in BPM, wish to enlarge my understanding too.
Prompt, please, how I can correctly organize educational process? Since September new academic year begins and it is necessary to set ARIS in a computer class. I was registered as faculty member and I can download Business Server and Business Architector end PD&A (the license for Architector comes to an end on September 6, but I so understand it not difficult to extend). What to do with the user places (10 pieces)? How to make everything correct?
Hey I had been on vacation for the last weeks and just returned today. So to answer you questions: @Avijitkumar: I just checked the files and they worked fine for me. Do you still have problems extracting those files? @Oksana: I am sorry but I cannot give you hands on support for your IT-structure. Maybe you should contact you local administrator for further help. @Diana: My colleague who is in charge with this software will reply to this later that day. Cheers Moritz
I am trying to download both student and professor files from Brazil. I recognize they are very big (4G and 6G).
I´ve tried a dozen times and it always gave me a donwload rate of aroung 60-70 Kbps/s, resulting in a 1 day estimated download. However, every time the download is stopped for some unknown network error.
There is any other way to download or receive the applications? There is a way to make it faster or reliable?
Thanks in advance,
PS I´ve already use ArisExpress for a long time now.