Why are there so many bugs installing Aris ? I have had 'unable to launch' twice now for two different reasons its taken me two hours


And what is all this 'integrate with desktop'? Does anyone know


I looked on google, there are literally hundreds of people with 'Unable to Launch' issue


Does anyone know what is going on with the developers?



by Frank Weyand
Posted on Thu, 11/08/2012 - 14:58

Hello, dear "dfdfa adfadfadf",

as you see in my post (http://www.ariscommunity.com/users/frank-weyand/2012-08-27-important-problems-starting-aris-express-bug-oracles-jre-java-7-update-6), there is a bug in the currently released JRE. This JRE version contains an incompatibility - well, let us call it error - which forces the start of Express to fail. This bug has been fixed, but unfortunately, the Java 7, update 10 is still not released.

About the integration into the desktop: please read the installation instructions.(http://www.ariscommunity.com/aris-express/installation)

This is a message from the JRE which we can't change.

What was going on with developers was to release a software - for free - which is used by many(!) thousands users every day.

Three years ago, we released the first version of ARIS Express. We used Java WebStart, which was - from what we know today - a decision we would not repeat (because the bugs mainly are based on Java WebStart), but what was not foreseeable in 2009.

It is in discussion to bring an update of the software, but you might understand that, what's going on with developers today, is to care about products bringing money instead of maintaining cost free tools.

Best regards,


P.S.: instead of spamming around, and creating an account in the ARISCommunity having an interesting name, it would have been a better idea just to ask for help.


by dfdfa adfadfadf Author
Posted on Thu, 11/08/2012 - 16:05

Thanks for your reply

I am aware of the problems you are having with Java 7, this was the first issue I managed to resolve after an hour. (Is this the only software in the world which breaks on Java 7 - I havent seen any other)

But sorry, I have anotehr problem which is "Unable To Launch Application" -

( details :java.lang.SecurityException: class "org.jdesktop.jxlayer.plaf.ext.LockableUI"'s signer information does not match signer information of other classes in the same package )

But I havent got time to fix this one

Also I have another question, why is it every time I start the application it goes online and downloads something?

With the integration into the desktop - the FAQ doesnt explain 'why' it is doing this - I have never seen any other Applications which 'integrate into desktop.' apart from MS 'Active Desktop' about 10 years ago!

I understand the software is free and what you are saying , but is this a reason why it is so buggy? Are you afilliated to Aris who sell the commercial product please? I am a business analyst, I am testing different software.

Many thanks Simon  - Not 'spamming around' as you say - I'm Asking for help please




by Frank Weyand
Posted on Thu, 11/08/2012 - 16:40

Hi Simon,

I point out that it is not Express, which is buggy.

  1. The bug regarding java 7 is a bug in the JRE, committed by Oracle. It is already on fixed in the new release of the JRE. The bug appears in WebStart.
  2. The exception with the signer information occurs if you got a mismatch between old and new JARs, which can happen if the update is broken. WebStart again.
  3. Download: ARIS Express download is hosted in the Amazon cloud. The JRE checks the download source, if this changes (which is the case if you use a cloud, logically). This is also new to us, we haven't had this problem some months ago.
  4. The integration into the desktop just means the creation of desktop icon and file type association. This message comes from the JRE as well. Pardon me, but, as I said, the download instructions do give you the information why --> If you want to create shortcuts on your desktop and an entry in your start menu (Windows), you need to confirm this integration into your desktop. This is recommended."

Again: all the issues were not caused by Software AG's developers or our team at all. Our decision to use the standard JRE features to distribute our software was unlucky. It was not foreseeable that things went worse that much; we wanted to use mechanisms we considered to be standard provided by the JRE.

You might understand that we can't invest most of our time maintaining a cost-free tool.

Due to the fact, that these problems occur more and more, we are in discussion shift some resources again to distribute Express in another way much more stable. But I'm sure you understand that we are not in the position to give you any date or promise you anything right now. I will try to push that forward.

How to get rid of your problems:

  1. get rid of Java 7, get an JRE 1.6 (more information in my link above)
  2. delete the WebStart cache
  3. download the executable file in case of windows, you should not get the download every time then.

Hope this helps.


by Michael Stier
Posted on Fri, 11/09/2012 - 12:20

Hello, members !

This is my first issue with ARIS Community

Is there a "simulation" mode provided for modelers, such that one can "run" his process in "step mode" and follow the logic ?

Help please, anybody !

by Frank Weyand
Posted on Fri, 11/09/2012 - 12:32

Hello, Mr Stier,

your question is not concerning the topic of this post, so I would recommend to create a new post instead of appending your question to an existing one.

Regarding your question: Express does not provide this features, but the full featured ARIS tools (in this case, ARIS Business Architect) has a simulation component which does exactly what you requested.

So get more information about the difference between ARIS Express and the ARIS platform tools for professional usage, follow this link: http://www.ariscommunity.com/aris-express/details




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