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Software AG (ARIS) has not only been named a Leader in the first Forrester Wave for Process Intelligence Software, but it also got the highest score in the "Current Offering" category.  


Forrester has based his evaluation in 28 criteria across 14 assessed vendors. 

Software AG pioneered and still leads with process intelligence,” has been one of the statements along with “Software AG’s platform is the right choice for clients that put processes front and center in their digital transformation journey and want to leverage a technology stack that covers the Internet of things (IoT), integration, application development, and automation" that you may find in the report.

We believe being named a leader in this Wave evaluation and Forrester statement validates our long-term compromise with our customers once again.

But if you want to draw your own conclusions and see how other vendors have been evaluated in the different categories, do not hesitate to get the report at this link, no registration is needed: Forrester Wave Process Intelligence (

Or you may want to read Dr. Julian Krumeich (ARIS Senior Director Product Management)`s opinion about this report's results and statements in his blog: (23) ARIS has been recognized as a Leader in process intelligence software, receiving the highest score in the "Current Offering" category | LinkedIn

By choosing either of the two options you will gain a better understanding of which capabilities a process intelligence tool cannot live without. ?

#ARISProcessMining #ProcessIntelligence #Forrester

by Veronika Ellermann
Badge for 'Supporter' achievement
Posted on Wed, 08/16/2023 - 19:43

Congratulations, ARIS :)


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