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The new ARIS 10 Release 24 for Process Mining comes with some exciting news: The innovative ARIS Companion, your Generative AI assistant.


Process mining has become a vital tool for organizations looking to optimize their operations and gain valuable insights into their business processes. The power of Generative AI lies in its ability to help you analyze and improve your processes within the context in which you are working.

What does ARIS Companion mean to you? From accelerating your process analysis to assisting with data transformation, ARIS Companion uses AI to enhance your capabilities and democratize process mining!

  1. The Potential of ARIS Companion in Process Mining:
    It has the potential to uncover patterns and optimizations, but also lead you to potential problems without losing the context in which you are working on.
  2. Democratizing Process Mining:
    The introduction of ARIS Companion democratizes the process, making it accessible to users at all skill levels. Thanks to the power of Generative AI, anyone can harness the power of process mining and gain valuable insights. 
  3. Driving Business Value:
    By easily uncovering hidden process inefficiencies, organizations can identify areas for improvement and drive operational excellence even faster. Furthermore, the ability to simulate and generate data empowers organizations to optimize their workflows, reduce costs, and enhance overall customer experiences. 

But what do you need to start? 

Just connect your or Azure OpenAI account to ARIS Process Mining. Type the question you are looking for and ARIS Companion will guide you to the right answer. Thanks to a set of predefined questions, this feature is able to help you, from creating a particular KPI to understanding a certain graph without losing the context or leaving the process you are working on.  

Register for our on-demand webinar and find out more about this and other amazing features: Unlock Productivity with ARIS 10 SR24 | Software AG Webinar


Posted on Wed, 12/27/2023 - 07:14

Utilizing Generative AI in process mining can significantly benefit both partners and customers. Leading consulting firms in Korea, including KPMG, Kearney, and Ernst & Young, emphasize the importance of integrating Generative AI in process design with BPA to enhance the competitiveness of AIRS. I'm curious about any upcoming plans in this regard.

Presently, InnoDigital, the top partner in Korea, is in talks about co-developing these features with Microsoft Korea. Will the head office be able to offer support?

by Martin Scheid
Posted on Fri, 12/29/2023 - 09:23

In reply to by JK KANG

We are as well in close contact with Microsoft and have already some enhancements to the existing capabilities that will be available next year.


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