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ARIS Process Mining in action - Live Demo
AGNL Thema-sessie Architectuur (Dutch only)

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As part of market research I have enrolled in the ARIS BPM Free Trial and created a basic Business Process model as a Proof Of Concept. However, even after going through the various tutorials I am still unable to access the simulation functionality of the product. I have a set of connected tasks and activities in my process model and I want to simulate different work loads on each so that I can stress-test the process. I have not managed to find any options in the UI of the trial version that allows me to set such properties such as processing time, frequency of requests for execution of the activity etc. I would very much appreciate it if you could point me to a tutorial or guide that is applicable to the trial version and which can provide some basic knowledge on setting up a simple simulation


Posted on Thu, 09/05/2024 - 20:09

Hello again


As my trial period will expire soon, can anyone provide some feedback to my issue?



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