Hello All,

I am using ARIS 7.1 web component, while accessing it it gives me an error

"You are using an incompatible version of JAVA 1.6 SUN JAVA runtime environment (JRE) 1.6.0_04 or higher is recommended"

For that i have installed Java runtime 1.6.16 from,

But still i am facing same issue, Any suggestion Please Will help me gr88

Thanks in Advance


by Uwe Roediger
Posted on Fri, 10/09/2009 - 07:17

Hi Milind,

it's very difficult to analyse the situation without much more information about you installation and environment. Alos the different logfiles would be helpful. The best way for you is to contact our support, they will require detailed information from you and should be able to give a qualified answer in a very short time.




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