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We have configured LDAP with our ARIS Designer and Business Publisher servers.  Using LDAP on the Designer server is straight forward.  We have several LDAP groups that represent the BAs modeling in ARIS.  

However, the Business Publisher we want largely open to the enterprise.  We have a mirrored set of LDAP groups from Designer which allows those users access to specific profiles on Business Publisher.  

We created an enterprise export incorporating all but sensitive models and objects for read access.  This profile should be available to anyone in the enterprise.  In other applications, we can provide authetication via LDAP without having an associated LDAP group, defaulting to some specified access to that application.

In our environment, we do not have an "enterprise" LDAP group that contains all users.  Primarily for performance reasons, but also unnecessary for our other applications.

Is there a way to create a profile/export for Business Publisher that does not need to be associated to an LDAP group?  Something similar to "anonymous profile."



by Stephan Freudl
Posted on Fri, 02/03/2012 - 10:57


sorry for the delay - your ARIS Business Publisher related question was lost in the MashZone group.

Short answer, yes, ABP can do what you describe. In some more detail: You will publish twice. One export for anonymous access. Another one, in parallel for the restricted LDAP group.

ABP ships with documentation, there is a Quick Start Guide. Section 6.2 Manage Publisher export describes how to get to the settings while section 6.9 Manage profiles point you to the anonymous part.

For further question you may contact ARIS support which should be part of your maintenance contract with Software AG.




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