Profile picture for user Nico B.

Dear ARIS Community members,

Surely, many of you know the ARIS Download Center where you can download ARIS and our ARIS-related resources. While it has been serving us well for the past few years, there's always room for improvement. Therefore, in order to enhance and streamline your user experience, we will integrate the ARIS Download Center into the ARIS Community.

A first version of the integrated Download Center is already available now. You can easily reach it via the main navigation. Please note that the Download Center is, as before, exclusively available to registered users. If you’re not registered yet, you can effortlessly create an account.

Download Center link in the main navigation

You can already find the most important downloads, including all recent releases of ARIS, in the new Download Center. Over the next few months, we will further update and improve the integrated Download Center and fill it with even more content.

A screenshot of the "Products" overview in the Download Center

Make sure to check the new Download Center out now and let us know what you think by commenting on this post or by contacting us directly – we always appreciate your honest feedback and will make sure to consider it for improvements! 😊

We are looking forward to hearing about your thoughts!

Your ARIS Community team

by Veronika Ellermann
Badge for 'Supporter' achievement
Posted on Mon, 01/08/2024 - 08:55

That's great to have it all in one place! :)

by Monika Leitner
Posted on Mon, 03/04/2024 - 12:31



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