Dear BPM Community,
I am very happy to announce our new website!
A whole lot of information and exciting material can be found there:
- Customer videos from NEC, Cox Communications and Loyalty Partner who give insight about their EBPM projects;
- The first chapter of our “Intelligent Guide to EBPM”;
- 2minute videos about Software AG´s Enterprise BPM approach and Process Intelligence solution;
- A whitepaper about the vision of Process Excellence and how to overcome the gap between business and IT;
- An analyst report by mwd advisors about webMethods and ARIS;
- And much more!
The site will be updated continuously as we will offer events (also in your region) in the second half of the year and more videos and papers will follow as well.
Please also read the articles of our EBPM series at ARIS Community:
EBPM 101 – A primer on Enterprise Business Process Management by Thomas Stoesser
EBPM – No Model to Execute without services by Patrick Buech
EBPM: Process Transformation – Modelling requirements for the business by myself
EBPM – Share with IT. A shared process is twice the joy. By Katrina Simon
EBPM – Roundtripping: Overcome the BPM gap! By Katrina Simon
EBPM: How to implement and execute processes in webMethods by Subhash Ramachandran
Click and surf. If you have any feedback – let me know by comment!