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Monsieur Thiault, please introduce yourself:

Graduate of the French INSA engineering school,  I am today “Process and Audit Manager” within SAFRAN Corporate Quality Directorate.

I have served for 10 years in various quality positions within several Safran companies.

I have worked for 20 years in aeronautics (SFIM, Sagem) in R&D and manufacturing entities before moving to a quality function.

I promote continuous improvement through business process management.  I am personally strongly involved in “Business Process Management” entities:  an Active participant to the International Aerospace Quality Group (IAQG)  and a Vice-President of the French Aris Users' Club.

I have published a first book about “the process designer” (Title in French : Le modélisateur, Ed Hermes-Lavoisier, 2007) and a second one about “Managing Performance by Business Processes” (Title in French: Le management de la performance par les processus, Ed Hermes-Lavoisier, 2010)

Why have you written a book about Business Process Management? What´s the goal?

When I tried to find books on process management, I realized that there was a real gap in current publications. There were theoretical works, some very advanced, but no really practical work that could actually help with the concrete deployment of a management initiative. In my previous book, "Le modélisateur – de la modélisation des processus d'entreprise," ("The modeler: about modeling business processes"), only published in French, I had covered process management in several pages. I noticed that there was a need to go into this subject in further depth, and offer a practical method for application, so I quickly gathered the material needed for a new book.

Managing Performance Through Business-From - BPM to the practice of process management is entirely dedicated to business performance. This how-to book of business process management is aimed to speak to every people in the company. It deals with three main questions: how to perform, manage and implement successfully the processes in companies. Every subject is explained step by step, with a lot of examples and illustrations. The book may come up to the reader’s expectation in two different ways, analyzing first how to reach the company’s goals through performance accession and secondly explaining the practical and easy methods, rules and frameworks thus associated.  

Managing Performance Through Business is also the result of the synthesis of many operational experiments, meetings with managers involved in the process approach, works and publications and original investigations that make the whole study practical and useable.

My goal is to provide to everyone a strong, pragmatic and efficient way to succeed in their process approach and BPM implementation in the company.

What is your opinion on ARIS in regards to BPM?

Aris BPM suite is both a method and a tool that combines description, measurement and running help.  Aris came along with me from 1999, on the one hand to implement BPM approach in my company, and on the other hand to develop an original process approach, partly through two books about modeling tool and management.

What would you recommend someone who wants to start a BPM initiative in his company?

When you have the strong willing to start a BPM approach in your company, you have to get ready. As a top-class sportsman, training is essential: control of the concepts, implementation of methods, tools, composition and definition of objectives base projects that are supported by the Top Management. That’s why I have written this book…

What major topics in the BPM area do you see in the future?

To play its part in the company, the BPM approach must develop process governance first, here and now. Then, in order to improve the “agility” of companies, BPM must be dynamically interconnected to SAO and IT. A decided by the pilot process evolution must be immediately applicable to whole enterprise.

Where can I buy your book?

To order this book, please, go to https:/

Managing Perfomance Through Business ProcessesOr



Thanks for the interview and good luck with your book!

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