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We have a Header and Footer definition on DB-level. On most computers, the header/footer will be printed as designed (Print-Function of a model). But with one computer, it does not work. It seams that the system take what is defined in the menu view -> options. But all 6 values are empty (as on my pc). And finally nothing will be printed.

It is not user-specific, it is pc-specific. Whoever logs into her pc, it doesn't work, Whoever logs into my pc, it works.

Where are some further settings?

Thanks for help



by Robert Stowman
Posted on Mon, 07/16/2012 - 22:04

Hi Dominik,

Check in the Print Preview and see if the Insert headers/footers toolbar button is activated (or not) for the machine that's not working ....

Best Regards,


by Robert Stowman
Posted on Mon, 07/16/2012 - 22:07

Sorry, you can also check under View\Options\Model\General\Print and make certain the Print header/footer box is checked....

Best Regards,


by Dominik Jenzer Author
Posted on Tue, 07/17/2012 - 08:58

Hi, yes, they are checked. I can confirm it also with the printed layout. The page shows the horizontal lines from the header/footer. And if unchecked, they're gone.

What I'm missing is the heading-/footer-fields defined on DB-Level. It seams, that the user header/footer will overwrite DB-setting. But the user-fields are all empty...

Best Regards,


by Dominik Jenzer Author
Posted on Wed, 07/18/2012 - 10:29

In the user.cfg (line 468) there is the following entry:

<userdata type="page_headers_use_usersettig" value="false"/>

Like this, the db-settings are taken. The problem-user had the value true...


So: ARIS-Team:

When will this setting be changed in the application? I have no checkbox. What I expect is, when all attributes are empty, then the value will be changed. Probably a hint for a bug-fixing...

Best Regards,


by Simon Taylor
Posted on Mon, 02/25/2013 - 04:16

Hi there,


I am also experiecing difficulty finding the option to ensure headings/titles of the process map are visible when the map is printed. I refer to the following location:

EDIT > properties >Attributes > Attribute name

Clients are insisting that this is visible when printed. I know that the option exists as it has done so it in the past - on previous versions. Why is the attribute name not visible now?


A prompt response would be ideal.





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