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We have a lot of Function Allocation Diagram. And for now, we want to place an UD-Attribute on each function-occurance within these diagrams.

All around the report works fine. And now I have an occurcance. But how can I set the attributes displayed for that occurance?


Kind regards,


by Ellen Gambrell Pelletier
Posted on Thu, 10/11/2012 - 18:19

Hi Dominik - Do you not want to use a template for this? You could create a template just for FADs that has the attribute placements you want and create a simple macro that would set and/or reapply the template every time a user opens a FAD to ensure that the attribute placements you want are shown.

by Dominik Jenzer Author
Posted on Mon, 10/15/2012 - 09:01

Hi Ellen,

Thanks for your tip. My manual work was something like this. And I have some strange effects.

I have the attribute placed in the template. When you create a new diagram, all works. When I open an old one, and reapply the template, the most of the settings were applyed. The Icon, the colors etc., but not the attribute placement. When I add the same object again, all is finde - but this is to much of work. So I like to do it by macro.

Or do I have somewhere else any missconfiguration?

by Ellen Gambrell Pelletier
Posted on Tue, 10/23/2012 - 18:36

Hi Dominik - sometimes you must clear the current template and then reapply it before it will show the attribute placement.

You could create a simple macro that runs when a model is opened and reapplies the template for you:


function main() {
    var eventType = Context.getProperty("");
    if (eventType == Constants.EVENTID_MODEL_OPENED) {
        var oModels = Context.getSelectedModels();
        for (var i in oModels) {
            var template = Designer.getTemplate(oModels[i]);
            if (template != null)
                Designer.applyTemplate(oModels[i], template);

If you want to use the template to add those attribute occurrences directly, you could do something like this:


function main() {
    var attrType = Constants.AT_DESC;
    var assignedModel = null;
    var eventType = Context.getProperty("");
    if (eventType == Constants.EVENTID_MODEL_OPENED) {
        var oModels = Context.getSelectedModels();
        for (var i in oModels) {
            var oObjOccs = Designer.getOccs(oModels[i]);
            for (var oi in oObjOccs) {
                var addAttrOcc = true;
                if (oObjOccs[oi].getItemKind() != Constants.CID_OBJOCC) {
                    addAttrOcc = false;
                } else {
                    var attrOccs = Designer.getAttrOccs(oModels[i], oObjOccs[oi]);
                    for (var ai in attrOccs) {
                        if (Designer.getAttrTypeNum(oModels[i], attrOccs[ai]) == attrType)
                            addAttrOcc = false;
                if (addAttrOcc)
                    var newAttrOcc = Designer.createAttrOcc(oModels[i], oObjOccs[oi], Constants.ATTROCC_CENTERBOTTOM, attrType, Constants.ATTROCC_ALIGN_CENTER, Constants.ATTROCC_TEXT);
                var stop = 1;

In this example, I am setting the Description attribute to the center bottom of the object. You would obviously need to change the attribute type, port, alignment, etc. accordingly.

- Ellen


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