Hi All,

We are using ARIS 9.6 and we have faced ARIS login issue. While trying to connect to the ARIS Designer, we got the below error message after enter the LAN credentials. 

Unable to establish connection. Please check the username , password and tenant.

It took quite a long time to figure out the root cause. ARIS works on AD authentication. The SECADMIN team has created a new OU group for IE11 testing. We found that those users with the login issue were moved from the usual OU group to a new OU group  for IE11 testing.

Because of changing the OU group, the password were not synched. So we changed the OU group back to usual one of  affected users.

After changed the OU group we are able to login ARIS Designer successfully.But one user was not able to login and she getting the below error message after changed her OU group.

Connecting via the proxy server failed.

The connection is configured using proxy authentication.

Please check the username, as well as the password for the proxy server.

We have checked all the Proxy settings, Java network settings, java version, AD authentication etc and everything looks fine.

Note: She is an faraday user and her AD authentication is different.

Could someone please help us to find the root cause. Its urgent.

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