Hello Community

I want to understand how automatic access is granted to Viewer/read-only Users for Aris (for profiles that don't have to be granted).

If you have documentation for this then fell free to provide links for the same.

Thanks in advance.

by Theo Padding
Posted on Tue, 05/25/2021 - 11:24

Hi Nisha,

I don't know which edition you are using. In the enterprise edition we solved it as follows.

We have created a default user group with only read access rights in the database(s). You can automatically add users to this user group in the ARIS user management configuration by assigning them to the Default user group. When you select User management in.the administration part of the portal, select Users and General. There you can see the Default group name to which users can be assigned.

Hope this helps.

Theo Padding


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