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I've successfully created a custom attribute for Enterprise BPMN Process models, but seem to have an issue related to symcols not being displayed on the intended object or model. Only the attibute value is being displayed as a placement on the object (Task). I think i followed the right steps as follows:-

1. Created the Attribute Type Group

2. Created the customer attribute, values (value list Yes, No, Maybe etc..) - assigned values and symbols

3. Assigned the custom attribute to the attibute type group

4. Assigned the custom attribute to the model (Enterprise BPMN Process Model)

5. Assigned the custom attribute to the object type (Task)

6. Did not assign to any connection  

7. Logged Out / Logged In

8. Created a new model and selected one of the options from the custom attribute. 

Custom attribute value is correctly displayed at the top left side of the task object but not the symbol. Did anybody face this similar issue or know what is missing from the above steps please. Thank you.



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by Veronika Ellermann
Badge for 'Fan' achievement
Posted on Fri, 08/26/2022 - 16:29

Hi Nicola,

Not sure if I had the same issue... but I did have the issue when I created a custom symbol.
I am missing one step in your description. Did you also apply the change to the template resp. did you try to place the attribute?



by Martin Schröder
Badge for 'Contributor' achievement
Posted on Fri, 08/26/2022 - 16:44

Hello Nicola,

mark the placed attribute > Properties > Show as symbol.

If you want to have this as a default for BPMN Process Models you can include this option in a layout template and assign it as a default for the model type.

Regards, Martin

by Nicola Adas Author
Posted on Fri, 08/26/2022 - 20:12

Solved. Thank you all for your help.


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