Is there any way to make a single page of report to print landscape for graphic model?

by Nikita Martyanov
Posted on Sun, 06/19/2022 - 16:05

Yes, you can create new section with different formatting (eg landscape/portrait, A3/A4 etc), using scripting.


BR, Nikita

by nour elenein Author
Posted on Mon, 06/20/2022 - 12:41

In reply to by billie1989

could you please tell me what is the right metmod for this formatting (landscape/portrait)? is it the same of BeginSection ( boolean p_bAcceptHeaderFooter, int p_nType ) ?

by Nikita Martyanov
Posted on Tue, 06/21/2022 - 16:17

In reply to by nour94

There's the same method with different parameters set:

BeginSection ( double p_dPageHeight, double p_dPageWidth, double p_dDistHeader, double p_dDistFooter, int p_iLeftMargin, int p_iRightMargin, int p_iTopMargin, int p_iBottomMargin, boolean p_bAcceptHeaderFooter, int p_nType )

Using p_dPageHeight and p_dPageWidth, you can create new sections with any page sizes and orientations.


BR, Nikita


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