I was informed that ARIS Express was a very weak tool with not many options for modeling. Yesterday was the first time I worked on ARIS Express, and it was love at first sight. And looking at the filer options, I find that IDS was kind enough to provide a wide scope of modeling possibilities to even encourage the giant called "ENTERPRISE ARCHITECTURE MODELING".

I took it upon as a challenge to prove to those critics of ARIS Express, that anything is possible by it, if we apply ourselves. Enterprise architecture is a very collaborative effort, which involves effort from many contributors. Providing a license to all contributor is too expensive and also an inhibitor to ARIS adoption. I find the use of ARIS Express for information collection a wonderful option to do away with other inefficient modeling tools.

I have tried to map the entire content model of IAF/TOGAF using ARIS Express. Please send me your feedback, critics and comments. I will add some examples for those who are not too aware of enterprise architecture modeling, but please send in a request.

Business Activity Modeling

Business Service Interation

Logical Business Component

Business Information Service Interaction

Logical Information Component Interaction

IS/IT Logical component interaction

IS/IT Physical component interaction

Physical Technology Infrastructure

Kind regards,



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