
I am a new user, Pablo Barrios, in the Community. I am using Aris Express in my laptop after registering me and fulfilling the wizard process when I opened the application for the first time.

Until that everything OK. Now I need to using Aris Express in another laptop, but this time without Internet access (there is no way to connect that new laptop to Internet). When I try to run the application for the first time, the wizard process run as usual. But as I said, I can not finish it and therefore open the application since I do not have an Internet Connection to validate the registration.

Does anyone know what could I do to use it also in the other laptop?

Thank you for your cooperation.




by Frank Weyand
Posted on Thu, 01/23/2014 - 17:10


sorry, without the registration, Express does not run. There is not other way to start Express without havin the tool registered.



by Sergey Barbashin
Posted on Sat, 06/11/2016 - 15:29

It's terrible. Now I've got the same situation - no internet and no possibility of using (new instance of) ARIS Express. 


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