We are trying to have a Mashzone installation and we want access to this server from everywhere (local network and Intnernet). In the installation wizard process, we named our Mashzone as "localhost" The problem is that we want to access from another computer in the same network using the IP address, the browser reach the server but try to redirect to another URL but this new URL point to 'localhost' instead of the server's IP address.
We have the same problem when we try to access to the server throw Internet.
How can we set the server to access to our mashups trhow Internet and our network.
Hi Pablo,
let me try to understand your issue. You installed mashzone on one pc by using localhost as server name and then you tried to access to this server, right? Do you mean you want to call just the browser URL? That was a scenario what we often do in our local network, maybe it is worth to reinstall Mashzone and install it again with your computer name instead of localhost.
As far as I know do we not have some special configuration or settings to access throw Internet or network.
What Mashzone Version do you use?
Hi Bernd,
Correct, we installed Mashzone using localhost as server name and when we tried to access we had the problem. I think that naming the server with the computer name, if we access from our local network the, name resolution will be possible, but from outside this DNS resolution won't be possible. p.e.: if i name the server using its computer name (XXX.eur.ad.sag) when we try to access trow Internet, the client computer could not access using the computer name. The only solution that i can see is use a public domain name, but, we have to avoid to purchase a domain.
The Mashzone is version is 9.7.