perhaps it's not the right place for this question... but i'm blocked in the installation process of ARIS PDA after installation of XP in tte VM.
the installation guide propose (page 8)
Enter the computer name if required (please ask your local administrator) or keep the proposed name. Don’t enter a password for the Administrator account.
But, next step, connexion to XP require a password for admin user
the installation guide propose a connection with a user "Process Design or Administrator". but this user does'nt exist and it'd be neccessary to connect with admin user to create a new user...
perhaps something was wrong during previous steps ?
thanks for any help...
I am sorry to hear that you are facing issues with our setup guidelines. However I am not sure where your problem is located right now.
If you are looking for the correct credentials you already found them: page 8 of the linked guide reads:
Licensing ARIS products
After licensing the Windows XP operating system you need to license the ARIS products.
1. Start the Virtual Machine and log on with User: Process Design or Administrator* Password: ******* (I will not post it here!) Hope this helps. If not feel free to ask again ;) Cheers Moritzhi,
i'd read this document and tried the pass proposed
but unfortunately, i forgot keyboard configuration... the VM is configurer using qwerty, and my keyboard is azerty... that was the only issue... i apologize !
thanks for your answer, it's solved... perhaps an enhancement of the document, add a note "pay attention to keyboard configuration..."
best regards
well... next step !
still errors with license key
i received per mail keys for server and publisher
server: C837479-ARISCom_Pierre_Alain_MILLET-V72E12.12.2012LenLdePbitMausaMaqbs- ...
publisher: B837480-ARISCom_Pierre_Alain_MILLET-V72E12.12.2012LenLdePdivU1-...
but when i enter these keys, the system answer "incorrect license. please check..."
in my experience on classic ARIS Installation, keys start with the application number "C837479... " and end with the sign "=".
i don't think it's related to language and keyboard, because i copy the key from a mail reader inside the VM... and to be sure, i changed the language setup of the VM... without results..
thank you for your help
hey Kai-hendrick,
it was happy with your answer, because the setup of licence key accepted the change of C to S... but in fact, it does'nt work when starting the server...
In fact, i received per mail two licences key, one for ARIS Server (starting with a C), and one for ARIS Publisher (starting with a B)... but no one starting with an S...
The aim is to install the VM to be used by students using web client... It was our previous configuration, running an ARIS platform in a previous convention with IDS.
I don't see how to request a server licence from the University program community..
thanks for your help
Hi everybody,
I am quite new in ARIS and now I am trying to ovecome Simulation modul.I did not have problems with instalation and so far everything is working ok. But I have problem with atributes. I am trying to do all exercises from training material Exercise Guide 3 Simulator. On page 10 there are some value for number of employees and "cost rate (busy time)". Adding atribut "number of emplyoees" is ok, but when I try to add "cost rate" I can not find it. Can some one help me?
thx for support :-). Actualy I have found what was the problem. I had wrong filters. I do not have much experience in ARIS so I follow given instructions. And because wrong filter I could not find atributes as they were described. Maybe it would be ok in revision of guides to put some instructions for that.
Thx anyway
I am trying to add technical resources in EPCs. I some exampels which I have for simulation it is stated that objects types can be: Operating resource, technical operating supply, transport system and warehouse equipment. But in symbols I have only "operating resource". Is there a special symbol for transport system and warehouse equipment or I can just use operating resource symbol and rename it.
Hey Pierre,
The ARIS Business Architect license is available as single license and as part of the “AEP PDA Faculty Package”, but you have to be registered as faculty.
Maybe it’s the easiest way for you to order a new mail with the keys. The key should be in the right order now.
Best regards