Profile picture for user pamillet

For a project in my university, we create an  AEP-PDA VM for each project team of 6 students, to allow them to work totally separatly

But, if the master VM is OK and works perfectly, we have a strange issue in all copy VM.

the password set in a dtabase of the master is no longer accepted in a copy...

the result if that we do not have any acces to existing database in each student VM.

even, if we export a database from the master VM, and import it in a copy VM...

I reach to the conclusion fhat password are crypted including system or database name..., and then that changing the VM name not possible... That was not the case with last version in 2012 without using an external database server.

can you confirm or infirm the hyptothesis ?

thanks in advance



by Kai-Hendrik Pots
Posted on Sun, 02/02/2014 - 15:06

Hey pam,

do you try to connect to the MS SQL of the PDA mashine or to the ARIS DB?



by Pierre-Alain MILLET Author
Posted on Tue, 02/18/2014 - 12:39

thanks for your answer, and i apologize for the delay to read it !

but the pb is solved, not clear why, but after having restard the VM copy process from scratch

now, that's work..


for your info, we use MS SQL.... (default for the last AEP PDA Package ?)




by Kai-Hendrik Pots
Posted on Tue, 02/18/2014 - 14:00

Thats right, in the last PDA mashine the ARIS Business Server uses the MS SQL.




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