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I know that we can use the ARIS notation in different language.. example  EPC in english, CPE in french...

That's clear that we can select the application language in the htlm page generated and that we can select the database language when login...

But, even if we have the application in french, we still have the notation language in english... (screencopy below)

We are using the AEP-PDA package for university...

I understand that we have 3 languages to maintain (application language, database language, notation language), but I don't find in the documentation a clear explanation

- language list in the htmlgen section of defaultServerSettings.cfg contains ( Adapt HTML Generator - Current database lists)

- the New database - Additional languages paragraph is not very clear when wirting "2. Copy the text block to the clipboard and paste it at the end of the file." which file ? userserversettings ?

thanks in advance for your help...



by Frank Weyand
Posted on Thu, 03/20/2014 - 08:51


is it possible that you've forgotten to add the screenshot?



by Pierre-Alain MILLET Author
Posted on Thu, 03/20/2014 - 11:50

sorry, i copied it in the post, but it seems that i have to attach as a file... that's done...

you can see the french language for application ("Créer modèle" and the english for model notation (EPC)



File attachments
by Frank Weyand
Posted on Fri, 03/21/2014 - 17:19

Bonjour monsieur MILLET,

ah, ce n'est pas difficile,

Vous devez seulement changer la langue de la "méthode)...


Meilleures salutation,


by Pierre-Alain MILLET Author
Posted on Tue, 03/25/2014 - 10:34

hum hum... so simple !

merci beaucoup... pour la prochaine question, je commencerai par vérifier les options possibles...



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