A suggestion...

We have the UMG database which illustrate through a realistic case the capability of ARIS. But, it's a very general template usable for education in various domain from business to IT.

A classification of educational domains related to computing is proposed by ACM with different curriculum, and specially IS (Information System), IT (Information Technology), SE (Software Engineering)... which all can used ARIS, but differently.

See http://www.acm.org/education/curric_vols/CC2005-March06Final.pdf

Can we use this university forum to discuss different educational ARIS templates ? Can we imagine a dedicated ARIS cloud space to share some templates ?

Herewith the composition model of our "AS IS" analysis.template for students...in a cursus "Information System"...

We actually give to students an AS IS template, a "TO BE" template, a "Specific Solution" template (SOA oriented), a "Standard ERP Solution" template (SAP without SolMan...), 


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