Profile picture for user pamillet

hello, i open this dedicated post for an issue mentionned in a post regarding changing host name

The upgrade from 9.8.2 to 9.8.5 is ok for main tenant "default", event if some parameters (system password, or ldap setup) was not keeped, but it was easy to reset them...

But for others tenants, it's impossible to connect, for user/password reason ("Échec de connexion. Le nom d'utilisateur et/ou le mot de passe ne sont pas corrects.") user or password incorrect... I have test with the password set in previous version, and with the standard password "manager"... in ARIS Connect and ACC

Nevertheless, I followed each step of upgrade manual including systemupdatedb..

I found a workaround solution... deleting tenants, recreating a new tenant and restoring a backup...

but that takes time... if you have a direct fix...



by Pierre-Alain MILLET Author
Posted on Tue, 08/30/2016 - 15:04

more tests...

Don't know if this is related, but for some tenants, all i OK after delete/recreate/restore.. but for one, their is an erreor when restoring... see below the screen copy...

I do not see any differences, and retry the process several time without differences..

could you explain more this error ?



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by André Vitor Oliveira
Posted on Tue, 08/30/2016 - 19:59

Hi Pam,

Looks like the specified user does not have full privileges for that tenant.

You are using default values. ( as your screenshot says 'no username was specified').

First try to assign a function privilege and license privilege.


André Oliveira


by Pierre-Alain MILLET Author
Posted on Wed, 08/31/2016 - 13:11

thanks andré,

on the screen copy, you can see that the restore was run with user=system password=manager which are the default value when creating a tenant...

When i try to set privilege on ARIS connect to user system, the form is not complete and i have only 4 privileges available.. due certainly to the fact that the restore was not complete

The backup is done with user system having all privileges

The restore is done with user system and his default privileges when creating a tenant...

this situation was the same for others tenants without problems...





by André Vitor Oliveira
Posted on Tue, 09/06/2016 - 22:25

In reply to by pamillet

Hi Pam,

Usually the 'aris full' privileges must be assigned to system and this is enough, compare the privileges for system in each tenant and try to do the same for this one..



by Pierre-Alain MILLET Author
Posted on Wed, 09/07/2016 - 16:09

hi andré,

of course, that suppose that i can restore easily a tenant... and i face a strange technical issue...

i have restored several tenants, but for one, the biggest, i have systematically the following error...

it's why, in another post, i asked about ACC in administrator mode, because i imagine that could be a reason of this error...

But, it seems to be something else..

could you suggest something  ?






by Runé Becker
Badge for 'Mastermind' achievement
Posted on Fri, 09/09/2016 - 15:58

In reply to by pamillet

Your screenshot of your reply from Sep 7 was missing.

by Pierre-Alain MILLET Author
Posted on Fri, 09/09/2016 - 10:18

In fact, reading the exec.xml file noticed in the error message, i see that the error occurs trying to open a log file, so it's a pb of rights which could be solved in administrator mode (but see upper...)

I made a test, changing the "failonerror=true" to false.... and that's OK, the tenant is restored and seems fully OK...

Now, the real issue is to understand how to use ACC in administrator mode...


by Runé Becker
Badge for 'Mastermind' achievement
Posted on Fri, 09/09/2016 - 16:05

When getting an error message on the ACC prompt, it's a good advice to look into the respective runnable's log file to see some more information.

In case of UMC it could be an issue of duplicated licenses which exist already in #default or another tenant.

When ABS throws an error there could be various reasons, e.g. in case of an external DBMS that there's a table space missing or not yet prepared to receive tenant data.

And when restoring a tenant from a backup file which had been created by a former ARIS version, you need to update the tenant after restoring has been completed. Of course, this requires at first that the restoring your tenant worked.




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