very excited by discovering ARIS Cloud student, i'm a bit discouraged by a strange password issue...
i have created an ariscloud account, received the first password, connected to mc.ariscloud.
A first message ask to change the password for the first connexion...
normal.... but, even with many attention to the password rules, all password entered, with lower/upper case, numbers and a special characater are refused..
Then, it's seems impossible to go next steps !
.an idea ?
best regards
yes, i paid attention to the password rules !... lower, upper, numbers, special... and at least 8 char... and not the same that the previous...
strangly, one colleague has created a new room, and invited me, and using the password she has created, i can connect in this new room (INSAGI) and the first one "INSAIF2019" is listed but with login error...
not clear if the account with its pass is room dependant, or if the same account can be used in several rooms...
I can see the two rooms after connexion, one in error, but in the login form, it ask only for the email, not for the room ?
thanks for all...