
Working on version 2.3 enterprise.

I have a datafeed that takes a date as user input.

This datafeed is to be used in conjunction with an app that has a table and a date user input field. I use assign data and then filter data to wire the app's input box to user input of data feed. Everything works fine.

Now I want to be able to default the app's input box to today's date. So I create another datafeed that simply uses the information control and returns today's date. I use assign data of the app's date input box and use the datafeed that returns today's date. This works and when the app is loaded shows today's date. However, the problem is this date never gets refreshed. Even if I open the app after two days it still shows the date that defaulted for the first time. Even doing refresh all data does not help.

I just want to be able to have an input box on an app that by default when app is loaded will show current date. User should be then able to change that date to whatever value. This input box is going to be used as user input of a datafeed on the app that assigns data to a table. The solution should work with refresh all data as well.

I experimented with getting current date/time from DB as well with cache set to 1 second and displaying time component as well.I put that date on an input box as well as in a table. When I did refresh all data the date in table was refreshed but not the one in input box. So seems like input box just takes the date for the very first time and then does not get refreshed dynamically.

by Bernd Ziegler
Posted on Thu, 04/10/2014 - 10:20

Hello Pappoo,

I understand your problem, but you have to resolve it in an other way. It isn't possible to give a refresh interval for the input field. The reason for that is to avoid automatic refreshing of user inputs. When a user has made an entry he didn't what to refresh it with current feed data.

To handle your problem, you have to design this behavior in the feed editor. In this case, you have to add a column with the current date to your feed table. In additional you have to use a filter operator and connect it with a user input ( corresponding to your user input in the app). Has the user input a value take this as condition, in the other case use the current value from you date column.

I hope this is a good alternative for your use case.








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