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Hi everyone, 

we are preparing a model in Aris Connect (which we previously created in Aris Architect) and we would like to ask some questions regarding the collaboration and document management part.

  • How can we assign a document to the model's document library as a viewer ? (we found that we should request it from the process owner, is this the correct approach)
  • Is it possible to assign a document to a model's object ? If yes how can we do this?
  • What is the difference between "Propose Document" and "Submit change request" ? (since we can add documents in the second option "Submit change request", what is the usage of the "Propose document")
  • Does referencing to a user with "@" inform him in the portal? (we observed that using let's say @system, does not inform user system in the Connect portal)
  • Is is possible to directly assign a proposed document from a comment to a model or model's object? (we tried this one and didn't find it, what I ask is if a user propose a document in a process or process step, is it possible somehow to say ok add this in this model).

Any help is appreciated.

Thanks in advance,


by M. Zschuckelt
Posted on Thu, 08/20/2020 - 14:29

1. Propose document mini-workflow uploads a document and brings it to the attention of the model owner. It's up to the designer of the model to link the document properly with the model or an object. There are different ways to do this.

  1. You link it to the model itself. Actually with this you link the model to the document. This way you won't find the document from the rich clients' interfaces.
  2. You use an object inside the model (objects of type information carrier are good candidates for this) and maintain one of the four attribute types named "ARIS document storage Link 1", " ... Link 2" etc. For video material there are yet another 4 attribute types. When maintaining those you can either upload a document to ADS directly or select an existing document in ADS (e.g. one that was uploaded by your viewer using "Propose document". This method makes the documents accessible also from Architect/Designer clients. This also answers your second bullet point.

2. "Propose document" uploads a document to the ADS repository and brings it to the attention of the person maintained in "Person responsible" attribute of the model. "Submit change request" is intended to initiate a 2-step process in which the "Person responsible" reviews the requester's idea, approves it, and in the second step delegates the implementation to s.o. knowledgable in modelling. In the request you may attach a supporting document as well, but that is only used by the owner and implementor during the workflow. It is not intended to remain in the ADS repository. This feature is much like an e-mail attachment.

Mentioning with @: It depends, if system has got an e-mail address maintained. When you go into the Collaboration component after you have been mentioned you should find a little icon with a number at the top left. Clicking on that you get a list of collaboration items pertaining to you.

Adding documents from comments to the model: This is up to the model's designer how to add the document to the model: To the context of the model or as an attribute of an object therein. Mostly the designer will want to download the document and review it, before ultimately adding it in one of the manners described above.

I would recommend to decide to use only one of the methods how to link the documents to the modelling. Otherwise you get an inconsistent look-and-feel and users become unsure where to find the document they are looking for. My personal favourite is still the "classical" method, which is the second one above.

Please also consult the online help on the mini-workflows and ARIS document storage.



by Paraskevas Petsanas Author
Posted on Thu, 08/20/2020 - 15:37

Dear M. Zschuckel thank you very very much for the response and the advice you gave us. 

We will keep them in mind.


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