Hi there,   I work as a consultant/proces analyst for ASR Netherlands. I'm modeling in ARIS and I'm not yet an expert in ARIS so I'm dealing with some challenges right now.   At ASR we use a four level system to model processes Level 1: Chain process (VAC) Level 2: Business process (VAC) Level 3: Process step (EPC Column Display) Level 4: Activities (EPC)   I modelled a proces in a EPC column display now I want to link my risks and controls to a processtep. The problem is that I can only link one risk diagram to a processtep. And I've got more risks than one and also more than one discreption for the same risk. So how do I link my risks or risk diagrams to a processtep without actually modeling the risk? And is it possible to hide risks because I don't want to show every risk visible in the model (because showing some risks people is a risk in it self), but I do want to see the hidden risks in a report, so that the processowner has control over them. For Controls, KPI's, Legal issues etc. I've the same problem.   Question: Do any of you have tips and tricks to this problem?   THNX!!!

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