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I’m new to ARIS and WYSIWIG reporting.   I’ve been reading the ariscommunity and it’s a huge source of information.   Thanks!

I’m trying to create report that has  Object Name,   Object Type,  Then the Symbol name..    For Example

Name of object      FUNCTION          PROCESS INTERFACE

Another object       FUNCTION          FUNCTION

I can’t figure out how to get the Symbol name.    I’m getting back  334 which is Function and  94 is Process Interface.     Can I get the Symbol name and not the Type Number using WYSIWIG or does it have to be a script?     

{Selected groups.Model list (filterable by type).Object definitions (filterable by type).Default symbol}

by Vincent Renard
Posted on Tue, 03/19/2013 - 11:11


Unfortunatly, you cannot get the symbol name with Wisiwig.

By the way, you can edit your report and change the data as follow :

search :

writeData1(p_output, p_aObjDef[i1].getDefaultSymbolNum())

replace by :

var filter = ArisData.ActiveFilter();

writeData1(p_output, filter.SymbolName(p_aObjDef[i1].getDefaultSymbolNum()))










by M. Duitshof
Posted on Tue, 03/19/2013 - 11:34

You can get the Symbol name from an occurence of your object.

The ObjectDefinition doesn't have this data field in the wysiwig design view

by Patti Nelson Author
Posted on Tue, 03/19/2013 - 21:48

Vincent - I used your code and it worked exactly as I needed it to!! 

Thanks for the help !!

by Patti Nelson Author
Posted on Tue, 03/19/2013 - 21:49

Vincent - thanks for the code!!   Did what it needed to do!



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