Hey everybody,

tldr: I want to make a few models currently only available in English(US) available in German. I exported all Attributes for translation, changed the values in the target language and now want to import the xsl back into my dataset. 

After running the import script I get the Prompt: 'x attributes have been changed', followed by a txt which includes 'For item 'X' the attribute 'Name' could not be set.'.

If I try to change the language afterwards, nothing has changed.

Does anyone know where I went wrong?

by André Vitor Oliveira
Posted on Thu, 03/02/2023 - 16:01

Please try to use the Entire Method filter when import the xls, also the 2nd row which has the default parameters don't need to add information on this row.. perhaps the attibute name was filled in this row and is causing the error.



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