Hello everyone.

I just noticed that our ARIS Connect instance is down. After trying to restart the runnables in the ACC console I noticed the following:

- The runnable called zoo_m is permanently in STOPPING status

- While try to kill it, got an error message (see below)

- I cannot issue a 'startall' command either because "the runnable zoo_m is STOPPED and cannot be started"

- I've restarted the machine twice but the problem persists


This is a similar issue reported on ARIS Community: http://www.ariscommunity.com/users/ambrish6/2015-10-22-runnable-apgm-starting-stage

The ARIS Basic Troubleshooting guide suggests issuing the kill command (4.8. Runnables do not start). However, it wasn't successful.


Any idea on how to address this?

Thank you in advance for your help



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