Hello everyone:

I came across this one and wanted to ask

The ARIS architects found the following difference between the license of ARIS Architect versus the ARIS Architect EP Access license. The first license for available for two users, while the second license only for one.

For the file ARIS_Architect.xml you can find the following product code:

<ProductCode> YAA </ ProductCode>

<ProductName> ARIS Architect </ ProductName>

While for the file  ARIS_Architect_ExtPack_Access.xml you can find the following product code:

<ProductCode> YAAAC </ ProductCode>

<ProductName> ARIS Architect EP Access </ ProductName>

What's the difference between one and another? Is there any reason why only one architect has access to the EP Access license?


Thank you for your assistance





P.S: from what I found on ARIS Technical Product Matrix document, ARIS Architect EP allows to use XML/XMI/AML files for data exchange, is there any other difference from the ARIS Architect license?

by Runé Becker
Badge for 'Mastermind' achievement
Posted on Thu, 04/19/2018 - 09:29

Dear Pedro,

ARIS Architect has an add-on product which we call Extension Pack (EP). Here it is ARIS Architect EP Access .

Both licenses are meant to be assigned to user accounts and depend on each other. It makes neither sense nor is it possible to assign an EP (here: Access/YAAAC) to a user account without assigning also its base product (here: Architect/YAA).

What do make sense is to handle licenses of base products vs. EPs differently. E.g. for daily modelers you have a guaranteed access to an Architect license, while the EP Access is less often needed. Hence, it could be assigned to a larger number of users compared to the available number of EPs, e.g. via user group.

EP Access is enables the user to export unencrypted XML files. Another user can't import that file without that license. However, if no user have that license assigned, then exported XML files can also be imported on the same server.



by Pedro Guerrero Author
Posted on Thu, 04/19/2018 - 14:26

Thank you very much for your prompt answer, Rune. Pretty clear.

I have one more question: we have two ARIS Architect license but only one architect has the Architect EP license assigned, is that a default condition? should it be configured otherwise?

In other words, if I have two architects using ARIS Architect license should I have two EP Architect license as well, isn't it?

Kind regards and have a nice day



by Runé Becker
Badge for 'Mastermind' achievement
Posted on Thu, 04/19/2018 - 16:07

As it happens often that exporting XML files out of ARIS isn't a daily job, except maybe for a unmanned scheduled job, you don't need to add for each Architect (and UML Designer) an EP Access.

It could also be the case that your customer has once migrated from ARIS 7. Then we replaced their ARIS 7 license set by ARIS 9 or 10 keys, including at least 1 EP Access to guarantee the same scope of export functionalities as it was in ARIS 7.

For you as our ARIS partner you need presales licenses from Software AG. So you could simply request for each Architect an EP Access. That way your whole team could work independently in different ARIS environments while being fully equipped with the ability to export unencrypted XML files from the ARIS repository.




by Pedro Guerrero Author
Posted on Wed, 04/25/2018 - 16:39

Thanks again. Just sent your answer to my customer.

Have a nice day, cheers!


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