Hello everyone!
This time here I am asking for the feasibility of editing objects' attributes and symbols without using any template. For example, the symbol attribute named Value Added Chain: it can be edited at the moment of editing a template
However, if you try to edit that out-of-the-box symbol
You cannot go further unless you use a template. I was wondering if this is an OOTB feature that cannot be edited or something?
On the other hand, is it possible to delete those templates included in ARIS? as far as I've read here: https://www.ariscommunity.com/users/oishii/2010-05-24-remove-object-attribute
It's not possible. However as this post is dated 2010 maybe something changed.
As usual, thank you so much for your assistance
Have a nice week
I'm not sure, what you are trying to achieve. In Method - Symbols you edit the graphical appearance of the symbol (essentially you can replace the AML file, if you like). With the template you can modify colours, 3D-effect, sizing, and placement of attributes - anything you could also do per occurrence in the properties of each occurrence. You don't need to delete the built-in templates. But you could (and should) build your own template, which everyone will use for new models, so all models get the same look.
Hallo, M. Zschuckelt
Actually what we're trying to achieve is to make sure that the viewers and the designers would use a default set of edited symbols/objects by default without invoking any template thus avoiding an additional step (of choosing a template to work with)
I hope I have explained it better
Thank you for your answer
Have a nice day
in ARIS - Options - Model - For new Models - Representation you can set the default template to use everywhere. Usually one template for all model types is sufficient, because you can define special formatting options for all symbols and connections in one template. Sometimes there are requirements that the same symbol should be decorated with extra attributes in some certain model type compared to the same symbol elsewhere. Then you need a second template, which you can also configure specifically for certain model types.
This configuration has to be done on every client just once, but yes... it has to be done on every client. So when you onboard a new modeller you have to give him some instructions on what to configure first before he joins the team. Also corner rounding for connections is a configuration you have to do in ARIS - Options - Model - For new models.
EDIT: To be precise: The template is defined centrally. The usage of the template must be configured locally.
Thanks again for the answer.
Is there any way to manage the same for the designers using ARIS Connect?
This is an example. Now the default template is "Predeterminada" (spanish for preset) but we want BPMN 2.0 to be the default template instead. How can we configure this? we just checked the ARIS - Options - Model - For new Models - Representation - Specific Template but we didn't get the expected results.
this post answers the question: https://www.ariscommunity.com/users/kd27/2017-10-17-model-template-and-connection-bridges-aris-connect
Hello Pedro,
I just noticed, that in the latest ARIS release the Administrator can define templates to be used and overrule the local client setting. He can also define different templates per model type just as is the case in the client.
In the Administration go to Configuration -> Conventions -> Templates -> Defaults
That is ARIS 10.0 SR4.
Regards, M. Zschuckelt
Hi Pedro,
that won't work, because the clients still have to select your new template as their default template. Indeed what I saw was a new feature introduced with 10.0 SR4. So with SR2 you have two options.
Short term: Tell every user of ARIS, which Client setting (your "xyz template") they have to apply in ARIS -> Options... -> Modelling -> For new models. There is also a report for applying a template to many models in one go, but make sure you test this first, because sometimes there might be intended deviations from your template. This is likely a one-time remedy for all models created by users who did not adhere to your template recommendation.
Mid term: Migrate to the latest ARIS release and apply those settings centrally. Current release is 10.0 SR5, SR6 will be published soon.