
I am trying to create a process support map model, and for the effect I am using the correspondent macros to do so. I use a reference model and I am choosing the models from where I want to fill my rows and columns. I can create one process support map based on functions and locations, defined by me as a "As is" scenario. After this my goal is to create another process support map, with the same objects (i.e. the same functions and locations) but representing a "To be" scenario.

The problem is that when I change the content of the cells (i.e. when I edit the process support unit and change the processing type) for example from "manually" to "no processing" it changes in both models ("As is" and "To be"). Is there anything that I can do to have the same objects in 2 process support map models and just change the processing type in each of them in order to represent different scenarios or is it impossible because each function and location can only be assigned to one process support map?

I am very thankful for any help you can provide me

Best regards,

Pedro Milharadas


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