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 Hi everybody,

I have a question related with favorites import/export .xml configuration.

Is it possible to manage these operations via command line - .bat files? Has anyone tried?

Thanks in advance




by Robert von Kantzow
Posted on Wed, 11/25/2009 - 12:51

Yes it is possible, you check the exportconfig.bat in the custom bat folder.

There are already prechosen alternatives for you, you can remove the options you dont want.

Cant remember exactly the syntax but its something like this:

exportconfig.bat -favorites,kpi,dimensions......

Hope it works out for you.



by Marco Bianchetti Author
Posted on Wed, 11/25/2009 - 14:51

 Hi Robert,

thank you for your aswer.

I've already used the exportconfig.bat. The matter is that the exportconfig.bat -favorites exports ALL my favorites, while I'd like to export only one.

Do you think is it possible something like to pass the 'favorite path/name' to the exportconfig.bat?

Thanks again



by Robert von Kantzow
Posted on Wed, 11/25/2009 - 17:23

In reply to by uro

No I dont think so, what you would have to do is to either backup the part of the xml file you need manually or write a script for it. PPM doesnt have this feature.




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