If we want to manage hierarchical data in ARIS: is there a recommended way of generating/suggesting hierarchical identities of the format for a fifth-level object or model? I'm open to either reassigning the ARIS Identity, using one of the may default identities such as AT_REFERENCE_ID, or creating yet another a custom attribute. Let me exemplify.
We have process hierarchies across our company (separate process hierarchies for different business areas and divisions), with functions at one process level being assigned to models at a lower process level. We have derived diffferent model types (VACD's and EPC's) for the different levels, and restrict assignments so we cannot point upward. From a quality perspective, we would like to have a stable and recognizable identity for each model. We could use the ARIS generated ones (currently set to numerically increasing STD.nnnnn), but those aren't meaningful to business users. Ideally, we would like to provide a stable numerical identity on new models (allowing models to be renamed without messing up references in e.g. quality manuals), with process models below a Function getting an identity consisting of with the parent model's identity plus the number of the Function (possibly itself auto-generated from the order of the main flow, or assigned manually). In some cases, running an explicit renumbering process models within a tree would be useful.
Similarly, we want to manage a hierarchy of business capabilities within e.g. Service allocation diagrams (not sure if theyr'e the best type, though!), with superior hierarchy levels encompassing lower levels, and want to at least suggest identities for new lowest-level capabilities being added. We're probably never going to renumber them, ever, but would like to ensure that identities are not reused by mistake e.g. via reporting or good old-fashioned eyball inspection.
I can't find any built-in functionality for such generation as within e.g. a PDM or ECM solution. What are possible approaches? For semi-automatically generating identities, something along the lines of https://www.ariscommunity.com/users/nique/2012-07-12-how-number-objects-semi-automatic seems workable, perhaps tying it to events such as assignment creation or connection definition creation, with a solid investment in coding and testing. Macros will be runnable in Designer clients, as I understand it, and at least some events will be executable if we should switch to ARIS Connect Designer in the future.
Is it worth the effort of creating and maintaining it, though? Any thoughts on alternate approaches? Macros will be runnable in Designer clients, as I understand it, and at least some events will be executable if we should switch to ARIS Connect Designer in the future.