The product fact sheet is almost 3 years old. Additionally the product seems not to be in the product tree. You have to explicitly search it.
Carsten Pitz
The product fact sheet is almost 3 years old. Additionally the product seems not to be in the product tree. You have to explicitly search it.
Carsten Pitz
Dear Carsten,
Which product tree do you refer to? On Software AG's products A-Z page, ARIS UML Designer is listed like all other ARIS products:
Which features do you miss/want to have implemented? Please post your feature requests on our customer portal Empower/Brainstorm.
Dear Rune,
at the very moment it is just a general interest. As a freelancer in almost all cases I join a set environment. But sometimes -- as I expect in my current project -- I get asked to give a tool recommendation.
In the last 19 years I worked with a zoo of so called UML modeling tools, including Software AG's UML Designer.
I like this tool because unlike most competitor's tools UML Designer rather strictly implements the OMG UML 2.4.1 specification. Beside this using this tool I never had problems with inconsistent states, loss of information and the like. It is embarrassingly but even these very basic qualities is not given with many COTS (commercial of the shelf) UML tools.
The weak points I am aware of are
A killer feature for some customers is the very elaborated role-permission mechanism.
just my 2 cents,
Hello Carsten,
I appreciate your positive feedback about ARIS UML Designer and your input regarding improvement potential.
I have to admit, that the visibility of this product is not the same as a couple of years ago. But that does not mean it is a dead product. There are no plans to remove it from our product portfolio. But the focus of ARIS development strategy was on a different direction over the past years. Maybe this is the reason for less visibility of UML. I will discuss with product management (I'm development manager in ARIS R&D unit) how the mentioned deficits can be removed.
I would like to bring this question again this 2020, is UML dead now? i checked the ARIS products and it seems to be not there? Please answer.
Hello Julie,
no, ARIS UML Designer is not a dead product. Where did you check the products? It continues to be part of our price list. Even if there is currently no significant development for this product, it is mature and maintained as all our other products.
IBM still sells Telelogic Tau back to version 4.2 ( The last version of Telelogic Tau was version 4.5 issued back in 2003. But IBM issued some fixes as for example
Is Telelogic Tau a dead product?
Depends on the definition ;-)